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Boston, MA
Boston, MA
"Losing 200lbs was my crawl... nobody else's."
- Amandi Brown, Co-Founder of CRAWL
COGNITIVE WELLNESS was birthed from the most intimate and personal moments of Amandi's physical fitness journey. The moments of pain. The moments of chaos. The moments he wanted to quit... but didn't. Its often in those moments where we discover and connect with what matters most to us - our purpose. Something. Someone. Somewhere. It drives our emotional responses to any situation, and influences our mental health capacity in any room.
CRAWL Cognitive Wellness promotes spaces, CRAWLSPACES, that encourage peace & strengthening through licensed healh practices that facilitate balance along someone's health journey.
You don't just choose life once. You choose life everyday. The life you want for yourself must be attached to every decision.
- CRAWLSPACE Location & Time is TBDDate and time is TBDCRAWLSPACE Location & Time is TBDSign up to learn about C.R.A.W.L. Cognitive Wellness! Learn about who we are, and how you can engage and/or collaborate with us. Licensed practitioners and health professionals welcomed. RSVP to be notified first when the event program opens up.
Sign up to learn about C.R.A.W.L. Cognitive Wellness
Learn about:
Who We Are
Our Audience
Engagement & Participation
Collaboration & Partnership
Licensed practitioners and health professionals welcomed.
RSVP to be notified first when the event program opens up.
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